BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, January 14, 2011

Two for the price of... let's not go there!

So we are having twins! YES!

Wow, what an overwhelming and exciting day yesterday was!

Seeing those little heartbeats was just phenomenal. Baby A's heartbeat was 171 and baby B's was 176. They are both measuring 8W2D (I'm 8W3D right now, so right on target).

So of course it's exciting, but it's also just starting to hit me. This is going to be a LOT harder than I thought it was going to be. Never mind how much harder it's going to be on my body, I have zero experience with babies, and now there will be two!

This is going to be an exciting an terrifying 7 months, and 18 years besides that!

And because EVERY post should have a picture, This is about as sweet as it gets:


  1. Yay!! So glad to have a local twin buddy! Mine were measuring 8w3d on wednesday and Heart beats were 171 and 176!! It's crazy how DIFFERENT my ultrasound pics look from yours!! Congrats again!
