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Saturday, July 9, 2011

so, it's been awhile!

My babies are here! In fact, tomorrow they will be 4 weeks old. My life has been a crazy whirlwind in the last month, it's kind of hard to wrap my head around it.

First, my birth story, written the day after their birth:

My water broke at 5:30 am Sat morning, June 12, 2011, at exactly 30 weeks. My parents drove me to Kingston to get me checked out. At that point no contractions at all. They decided to admit me because I live so far away and once the membranes break, you can go into labour at any time. So the goal was to keep me in the hospital until 34 weeks and then they would induce. Chris was at work in Toronto, so I called him and he headed home.

He got there as I settled into a maternity room to wait out (hopefully) 4 weeks of hospital rest. Which means I could get up and walk around but not go home or anything. I sent C home around 2:30 to sleep, since he had been up since 4am to go to work They brought me a decent meal of meat loaf with onion sauce, some rice and various other things for dinner. Sweet!

Then, just after dinner, at 5:30 in the evening I started to have contractions! Eek! They brought the doc in to have a look, and I was starting to efface and dilate. So they moved me back from recovery to labour and delivery. I called Chris and he headed back to the hospital. From there things went pretty fast. I went from 3cm to 9.5 cm from 7-10pm. At abt 5 cm the doc came in to put in the epidural. Got the line in-- took forevarrrrr! And then she left on a code somewhere.

In the meantime, Chris got there and helped me through contractions with my awesome L&D nurse, Sue. Sue was getting pissed for me and she paged the anaesthesiologist to get back and put my meds in! Wtf! Anyway, so by then I was 7 and on the verge of not being able to get the drugs at all! Once the drugs kicked in though, everything was Lovely!

C and I were able to snooze actually until I was fully dilated and the Doc and team was ready to go.

At about 2:00-ish it was time to push. I pushed for about an hour and a half and I was not progressing. Not for a lack of effort! I was actually pushing really well, just not getting anywhere.

So the decision was made at 3:30am to have a section. From there things went really fast, wheeling me into OR, topping up my meds, etc. Chris was the last one brought in and it was a tight squeeze. There were at least 15 people in the OR!

Avery was born at 4:24 weighing a nice and super healthy 3lbs 12 Oz. She was in quite a bit of distress from trying to be pushed out. Her first apgar was 1 but at 5 mins she was an 8. I didn't get to see either of them at all. They both went with their team to the NICU to be worked on.

Sydney was totally transverse at the very tip of my uterus. The doc told me later, no way was she coming out vaginally, so thank goodness we went with the straight section before it became an emergency. Anyway, she was 3lbs exactly and her apgars were 5 and 8.

I was just so exhausted from the long day and crazy pushing, I could barely keep my eyes open in the OR. Every time I did though, Chris was right there telling me I was doing a great job!

So that's my birth story!

Brand new babies!

Avery Pamela

Sydney Carolanne

It's a little crazy how totally different they look! Avery is so fair, with light hair and blue eyes, and Sydney has dark hair, and I think her eyes will turn brown. And here I was wondering if I'd be able to tell them apart!

Every day now, they continue to grow and make milestones. Avery is now over 5lbs, and Sydney over 4lbs. They are in a crib together, and hopefully they will be able to come home soon!