BabyFruit Ticker

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The worry begins

I have to admit, I've been really lucky so far in the symptom/worry department. I responded well to the medications, my retrieval and transfer went off without a hitch, and up to this point in the 2 week wait, no problems or worries.

Until today. I've had spotting all day, sometimes light, sometimes heavy-ish. Of course, the consensus is that this is perfectly normal implantation bleeding. Normal until it's happening to ME! Good gravy, I am fa-reaked out!

So yes I've been stressed today because my animals got into some rat poison and spent the better part of the morning (and the better part of my paycheque!) at the vet. They will be fine, but my nerves are shot. I didn't do anything for the rest of the day. Just lay on the couch and chilled. Now I'm in bed and I'm crampy too (which is also apparently normal!)

I want a Sunday do over!

Here's Sundays picture anyway. Hard not to smile. I'm so glad my babies are going to be OK!

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