BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sugar and Spice

It's been far too long since my last update.

Things have been a little overwhelming since we had our anatomy ultrasound a few weeks ago. First and most importantly, we found out we are having 2 girls! YES! It's crazy and amazing all at the same time. We both had a few moments of sadness that there wasn't a boy in there, but we are both over the shock. By the time we were on our way home from the hospital, we were both saying "my girls...." this and that. Oh, by the way, they will both be doctors (on scholarship of course), and they will both marry doctors, just so you know. ;)

We are getting there with names too, that will be finalized very soon. We are both pretty laid back, and have both had lists of names (in which NO name came up on both lists...). We will do some compromising I'm sure, but in the end, they will be two beautiful names for 2 beautiful girls.

Also, now that we have our genders, we are in full on plan mode for the nursery (still weird saying that word!!) I'm currently putting together an inspiration board that will hopefully translate from all the ideas in my head. In some ways it's easier to plan the nursery now that they are two of the same sex, but I'm still going to shy away from the traditional pink. To be honest, I'm not a huge pink fan, and I figure, I will be spending LOTS of time up there in that room, so for the time being, it will look how *I* want it to look.

Here's how they were looking a few weeks ago! Look at their little button noses!! So cute! I'm amazed at the clarity of these images. 3 weeks till the next peek!


  1. Those are pretty clear ultrasounds!
    I always said that if I got twins I wanted the same gender but if they were girls, unlike you there would be PINK PINK PINK everywhere LOL
    Congrats and I cant wait to hear the names that you come up with. Are there any that you've come up with that the other person completely hates?

  2. EEEEK! You have two cantaloupes in you right now!

  3. SM, I've had a few vetoed! We are 90% there!
