BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, February 4, 2011

Growing Pains

I have never been pregnant before. So this journey is fraught with new experiences at every turn. I have no idea what is 'normal' and what might be unusual, except to read pregnancy books, listen to people who have been there before, and lean on my support group that is going through the same things that I am now. I'm learning each of these options holds it's own dangers! Books tend to be fatalistic when it comes to nutrition guidelines. If you aren't eating your correct allotment of fruits, veggies and proteins; if you are succumbing to sugar treats now and again, your kid or kids will come out with 3 eyeballs and obese for life. No thanks! I'm just trying to eat what I can right now to survive! If that means frying up some hot dogs, then hot damn, that's what I'm going to do!

Talking to friends who have been there isn't much better. They project their own experiences on to me (especially the bad ones I find!). Oh you just wait they say. XYZ is on the way! The one advantage of being practically ancient being pregnant is that most of my friends and acquaintances were pregnant a dogs age ago. Times have changed in 15 years! Plus, what kind if friend tells me the most gory of goriest birth stories with pleasure?! Thanks but no thanks!

I'm so thankful to have a wonderful support group in place already of women who have just gone through ART with me who have had success. Most are first time mom's, some already have kids. The great thing is that we are going through this together at the same time, so when I explain my hot dog plight, they are right there with me.

I still don't really 'feel' pregnant, but that's probably because I haven't been sick. At all. I'm worried that nothing is happening down there, but at the same time, things ARE happening. At times, especially now, in the middle of the night, I feel my abs literally ripping. This is because my uterus is rising up out of my pelvis. I'm happy for this, because at least soon I will look pregnant, even if I'm not feeling it!

I check my day-by-day progress with 'the bump', because you know, there's an app for that!

Less than 2 weeks till ultrasound. I'm stoked to see the little ones. It might make it just a little more real, because frankly, I still feel like it's just a dream.


  1. Yes it's all so new and it's hard to know what is normal. I bought a bunch of books at first but have been avoiding them and taking my naturopath's suggestions and just doing what I need to do, eating what is appealing and not feeling guilty about it. She told me to not be surprised if I exile vegetables until I am 5 months along!

    I am on the other end of the spectrum, none of our friends are having babies or have had babies so I feel like a pioneer lol as we don't have anyone saying anything about their experiences they are more like... i can't believe how fat you will get.

  2. Ugh, Ashley, those comments are the worst! Those and the patronizing "you just wait".

    Even though we are going through the same thing at the same time, I forget you are 10 years younger than me! LOL.

  3. My all time favorite. Someone asking me if I was pregnant or just getting fat. NICE!
