BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Stimming... so ... fun?

I swear I'm turning into a pincushion. Not the most pleasant thing, injecting yourself multiple times a day. Most of the injections are fine, I'm not one of those faint-at-the-sight-of-needles kind of girl. Injecting myself is a new twist though! Not a big fan of the repronex. The manual mixing of liquid into powder has a LOT of room for error, and when you don't get it quite right, the body suffers. Not enough diluent will result in a swollen, itchy belly. Like crazy itchy. This has happened to me twice.

The worst is having to do it at work on late nights. I mean really, jamming myself into the bathroom or the sweatbox lunch room upstairs with my pouch of goodies? If it wasn't so time sensitive, I'd say screw it and wait till I get home, but I'm a good little patient, and I can't risk screwing this up for the sake of personal dignity. HA!

As I get further into the process, I really see how this can start to take over your life. Sorry, I can't make it to your ball game Chris, it's in the middle of when I have to jab myself. The hormones are kicking in too. I feel sometimes like I'm going to lose my shit over the smallest things. I just have to keep reminding myself that it'll all work out in the end. And freaking PRAY I don't have to do this multiple times!

I had my first bloodwork and ultrasound appointment yesterday. Leaving at 6:30am to drive to Ottawa, sit in the waiting room with a dozen or so other women waiting to be stuck and prodded. Drive back and go to work for the rest of the day. Good times. I did get to meet one of the message board girls though, so that was fun. A little friendly support from someone else who is going through it right now really helps.

I have 2 follicles so far. Boo, I was hoping for more. But it's early yet, and I have lots more drugs to take. Fantastic.

More drugs, then more poking and prodding Monday morning.

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