BabyFruit Ticker

Friday, January 28, 2011

First appointment!!

I had my first OB appointment today.

First of all, as I suspected, I will not be giving birth here in Brockville. This hospital is not equipped with a NICU, nor do they have high risk doctors here. SO, I will see this doctor only 1 more time, and be referred to Kingston to a high risk OB. Kingston is about an hour away, so not too horrible (I say that now until I have to go every 2 weeks then every week for appointments!!)

I declined the IPS screening even before the doctor had a chance to tell me he wouldn't do it anyway for twins, but we are having the nuchal ultrasound, and that should be in 2-3 weeks!! YAY! If I didn't want the nuchal, the next ultrasound wouldn't be until 18-20 weeks for anatomy. No way I was waiting that long!

I did not see the babies today, but we did try the doplar. We got to hear 1 heartbeat, but the other was too hidden, and was being masked by my heartbeat. The resident that did the dopplar said not to worry at all, it was likely too early to hear anything anyway, but hearing that 1 heartbeat was amazing!

Other than that, they checked my blood pressure, did urine and a PAP test and 6 vials of blood! I should hear soon about when the nuchal ultrasound is. I hope it's on a day that C is off, because I know he will want to see the babes again!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Two for the price of... let's not go there!

So we are having twins! YES!

Wow, what an overwhelming and exciting day yesterday was!

Seeing those little heartbeats was just phenomenal. Baby A's heartbeat was 171 and baby B's was 176. They are both measuring 8W2D (I'm 8W3D right now, so right on target).

So of course it's exciting, but it's also just starting to hit me. This is going to be a LOT harder than I thought it was going to be. Never mind how much harder it's going to be on my body, I have zero experience with babies, and now there will be two!

This is going to be an exciting an terrifying 7 months, and 18 years besides that!

And because EVERY post should have a picture, This is about as sweet as it gets:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Just one more sleep

One more sleep, 1 more day until this epic wait for my ultrasound ends. Seriously, who does this to a pregnant person? Makes them wait so long? All the girls who had transfers near me had their ultrasounds long ago! Maybe it was my rediculous beta. Still though, geeze. I'm dyin over here! Not only that, hubbs and I are REALLY looking forward to be cleared sex. Yes, it's been a long long time. I won't scare you on how long it's been!

The hubbs and I are just hoping to finally get a plan going. We only have a finite time that babies cook for you realize. Finances, nursery, diapers, oh my!

Huzzah! Until tomorrow!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Bah. 8 weeks, 0 days and I spoke to soon.

I threw up the other night, JUST because I had said I was feeling fine, I'm sure of it! Funny though, hugging the toilet, my first thought was... musta ate something bad, or I'm coming down with the flu. Actually no, I'm freaking pregnant!

Since then, I've been back to feeling generally queasy, but not full on pukey. I talked to my mom yesterday, and she doesn't remember being exceptionally sick either, enough to call in sick or be late for work. So I'm hoping that's just one of those hereditary things, and the pukey pukey stays away.

On another note, while we were discussing morning sickness, I asked about strech marks (she had a few but not too bad) and I already knew about the labour thing. The McNulty women are blessed with super fast labours. Please please let that be the case for me!

Still, cart before the horse here. 3 sleeps until ultrasound. I'm starting to get anxiety that there will be no heartbeats and this will all be for naught. This infertility thing really EFFS with your mind. Always anxiously waiting the next step. I mean sure, I had a solid (high even) beta. But that's no guarantee that everything is OK. Even after the ultrasound turns out OK (RIGHT!!), I'm still only 8 weeks. Another 4 weeks to get out of the dreaded 1st trimester when things can still go horribly wrong.

What's wrong with me? I need to be more positive here, but I'm not sure how. I'm all smiles and happy faces to everyone, but my inner self is still a self-concious terrified little girl.

3 sleeps, and more questions answered. Snowflakes are now raspberry sized. mmm raspberries....

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Getting caught up (again)

I have 3 semi-written blog posts left in draft mode. Such a horrible blogger I am!

I am happy to report a the new cycle went most excellently! 7 eggs retrieved, 7 fertilized, 3 put back (against the RE’s advice to put 2 back). The 2 week wait was endurable, but I still cheated on the last morning and tested with a pregnancy test. Digital this time, no mistaking when the window says ‘YES’.

So on a snowy Friday morning I go in for my beta. I feel different from the last time, most notably, no bleeding at all. The nurses are always excited when they see that HCG on the requisition. I’m nervous, but my favourite nurse is drawing my blood, so I chat with her for a bit, and tell her no offense, but I hope this is the last time I see her.

I’m back at work waiting for the results. Usually they call between 2-3 in the afternoon, so as I’m sitting at my desk with my boss, J, I jokingly check my phone. “Just making sure it’s still on” I say. Literally 10 seconds later the phone rings, it’s them. J asks, should I stay.. should I leave? I say STAY!!! The nurse asks if I’m sitting down. You are very very pregnant she says.

Beta’s can be all over the place you know, but I was not expecting the number she said. In fact, I didn’t write it down because I was so in shock. Typically a singleton beta is about 3-400. My beta is 1466. Very pregnant indeed. I just about hit the floor.

That was a very long 21 days ago. I have to wait a ridiculously long time for my ultrasound, still 5 days away, on Thursday. My girls have taken up a pool about how many snowflakes I got cooking in there. The results so far: 2 people for 1 single baby. (thanks girls!!) 12 for twins, and 10 for trips. Good gravy. Triplets. I can’t even imagine. I myself am leaning towards twins. 1 boy, 1 girl. Perfect.

I’ve been keeping track of my weights and measurements from about week 5 or so. I’ve gained 3-4 pounds, but holy smokes, my waist measurement is up 2.5 inches! My pants barely fit. I bought cheapy Walmart maternity pants, and they feel like bliss. My ticker above says my embies are the size of blueberries right now, why am I so big already?

Still ever the cautionist, I will not believe anything is for sure until I have the ultrasound and see an actual heartbeat(s!). Of course, I’m reading horror stories of ultrasounds with no heartbeats, missed miscarriages and other sad stories. I want to believe that this is it for us, that we are on our way to our dream of being a mom and dad. Will you believe with me?